
Recensies van S.N.

Tything Barn

This site is in a truly fantastic setting, around two tidal pools in an old quarry, alongside a peaceful estuary. Don't let the word 'quarry' put you off. The fauna has long since covered up any unattractive workings, and the site now boosts wonderful walks around the pools with many trees and hedgerows providing shade, and shelter for copious numbers of rabbits. There are two main camping fields with a few nooks and crannies hidden away in corners.
The estuary is virtually deserted and the far side is wooded, so you can enjoy walking along the shoreline.
You can swim in the tidal pools, and their are two rowing boats for use (albeit somewhat old).
A must visit site.
Be aware that the access roads are very narrow so you need to be sure you can reverse well if you are towing a caravan!


A wonderful place I first visited two years ago and have been back to every year since. Thoroughly recommended.
The 'Facilities' list above is slightly misleading. The 'separate car park' is, I assume, that for day visitors (this is not one of those silly places where you can't park next to your tent). The 'restaurant' means that meals can be ordered in advance, and eaten in the same room as used by B&B guests. The 'bar' and 'shop' is a small honesty shop where you write down what you take and settle up at the end - plenty of ice creams for hot days!
Some of the best feature are not mentioned above - two wild meadow fields you can walk around to enjoy the countryside, splendid views across to Dartmoor, a hot tub, games room, and a lounge.
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